2020-05 progress at Nutrient Farm - Nutrient Farm

2020-05 progress at Nutrient Farm

Nutrient Farm’s new apiary is now complete! We are pleased to take a role helping sustain the crucial pollinators that are our honeybee. Our Carniolan bees, known for their high gentleness, will help increase the production of fruit and vegetables that will soon be planted around the hives.  We look forward to bringing you raw honey and beeswax candles, raised with organic and biodynamic farming practices.  Please be advised that bees can sting and so can the electric fence around the apiary, observe with caution.


Nutrient Farm  Nutrient Farm


Nutrient Farm  Nutrient Farm


Pure 100% Beeswax Candles from our Apiary

Pure beeswax candles burn slower than other types of candles. Beeswax also burns brighter, cleaner and purifies the air as it burns. Beeswax candles are the cleanest candle you can buy.  As the beeswax burns it releases negative ions which trap dust and debris in the air, making your air cleaner – a great candle for allergy suffers. Beeswax does not smoke when it burns and has a natural pleasant honey aroma. We do not scent our candles, the candle smells this way because that is how the bees made it!


Continue Reading with last month’s Newsletter: We Started Our Compost Pile!


“You are what you eat, eats!”

Nutrient Farm | PO Box 560 | New Castle, CO 81647

support@nutrientfarm.com | 866-854-5712 | www.nutrientfarm.com

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