Once upon a time
everything was organic ™
open 24/7 with no city taxes
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World's first Triple ETFE Glazed building:
Nutrient Farm Greenhouse
Your source for Certified Biodynamic, In-conversion Biodynamic and Organic food
Nutrient Farm is a producer of certified USDA Organic and soil-grown crops as well as 100% grassfed Akaushi Wagyu Beef
20% off Meat | 10% off Produce
now thru 7/31 at 1:00 pm MST
(excl. living livestock and gift cards)
20% off Meat | 10% off Produce
now thru 7/31 at 9:00 pm MST
(excl. living livestock and gift cards)
Rib Steak, T-Bone Steak, Round Steak, Boneless Sirloin Steak, Sirloin Tip Steak, Stew Meat, Burger Patties, Ground Beef, Ground Beef Lean
60% off all Meat
For a limited time only...
(excl. living livestock and gift cards)
with your PERISHABLE ONLINE order
60% off Meat
now thru 8/24 at 12:00 pm MST
(excl. living livestock and gift cards)
Some food companies claim that certifying their product organic is too expensive and modifications to their product label would result in everyones' grocery bills going up another $400 per year.
400 varities of Nutrient Farm Crops are certified USDA Organic.
The remaining crops that have not been certified are new, cultivated with the same level of stewardship and will soon be certified as well.
Nutrient Farm - USDA Organic Certificate
Nutrient Farm - WFCFO Addendum UPDATED - 7.29.2024
For a couple days only.
with a recurring Organic or Grassfed Bulk Box subscription!
Save up to 7% with Bulk Boxes and an additional up to 5% with Subscriptions.
Nutrient Farm produces 100% Grassfed Akaushi Wagyu Beef, certified USDA Organic Crops & more.
All Crops are slowly soil-grown and photosynthesized under the Sun, the way nature intended.
Nutrient Farm is nestled between the Colorado River and the Grand Hogbacks. A place of absolute beauty & majesticness, where flocks of wild turkeys roam, three foot trout swim, deer and elk herd by the hundreds, mountain lions den and bald eagles fly overhead everyday.
If you want to know where your food comes from and see more clean food options in the community, please vote with your dollars. Thank you for your support!
EXTRAORDINARY RAISING CLAIMSScroll over spreadsheet to see more data...
Scroll over spreadsheet to see more data...
Last updated 2024-09-06
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See which products on menu: Other > Products by Certification
Last updated 2024-09-06
Chart layers may be toggled on/off.
Nutrient Farm strives to create an environment for sustainable agriculture.
Our team of experts is working hard to make sure that Nutrient Farm meets all the necessary standards to soon have our quality certified.
We are using innovative renewable energy systems and are creating beautiful recreational areas on the property.
Thank you for supporting small business and the clean food movement.
First building in the world with Triple ETFE Roof (Nutrient Farm Greenhouse)
Buying directly from the Producer is the best way to ensure the freshest products and the absolute highest quality.